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Pengembangan Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Etnomatematika oleh Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika dalam Bimbingan Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA


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Ueemm, well.. Happy Birth Day to Mine! 😊😘

SEA-Teacher Day 28

Saturday, 2nd September 2017 the departures day. My flight is at 11.15 so I become the second batch to be sent by Adjan Maew. The first batch is Herni, Dea, Dyan, Lynard, and Vincent because of their flight around 08.00 a.m. Kru Noina comes to sent Herni to the airport while the other buddies also come to send us. After sent the first batch to their van we went to the Seven-Eleven to buy some breakfast. I met Ling-ling (Mandarin teachers from China who lived upstairs our room). We just hugging each other and say goodbye. Around 09.15 a.m Adjan Maew pick us up and Khickmah joins us to the airport because she is the only one left in the dorm. I entered the waiting room around 10.15 unfortunately, my power bank was taken by the staff and also my drinks T.T Difference with my friends Wike the milk and power bank has more capacity but hers not being taken away. I thought it's my bad luck today –, Wefie with the first batch for departure Herni and I while waiting for the Van

SEA-Teacher Program Day 25

Wednesday, 30th August 2017 today I exactly don’t know that we have a farewell in school so I never prepare anything. I just prepare the speech for the students and the teachers. At the moment the school give both me and Herni some gifts and certificate. Thats was precious for us, kop khun kha Kun Kru  I give speech to the students Director hand the certificate for me Director hand the certificate for Herni Kru niw hand the photograph for me Administration staff hand me the gift from school The director has a speech Me with the certificate Kru Ee, Me, Herni and Kru Niw took the picture together In the afternoon kru Ee treat me the foods in KFC and you know we also want to to KFC for dinner with teachers in Pre-School. Lol. Today will gonna be chicken day :p I don’t have something to do just preparing some sticker for my students tomorrow. In break session after lunch my students come to see me and told me to stay here. So I just hug her and th