Tuesday 8th August 2017 will be my second day at school. I’m very excited go here after received so many warm welcoming between teachers and students there. I wake up early and go to school early in the morning. When I arrived there the school still quite, so i just waiting in the seat waiting for the ceremony. In every ceremony the speaker and topic of speech always change and for today teacher tell students about the bad habitual that they have done and ask them not to do it again. And also today one of students come forward to tell others what they have been doing for helping their parents in the house. I really like the ceremony in case school not only teach students about knowledge but their moral too.
Students come forward and telling her story about helping her parent |
After ceremony I met the director and she gave me math books start from grade 4-6. The basic language of those books is english. Some of the books for the children and some of them for teachers. Its same with Indonesian book (BSE) there are for teachers and students.
The books that director gave me |
After that I walk to the other side of the school. I just know the school have a music room, place to brush their teeth like in the pre-school, nursery room, field and library in the other building of primary school.
Washing hand place |
Rest area for lunch |
Music Room |
Nursery room beside administration office |
Field |
At 11.30 a.m I and Herni have our lunch in library.
After break lunch I went to administration office to meet Mr. Leng since his desk in there. I ask him for lesson plan in grade 4 and also the books for grade 4 and 5 that students use. Mr. Leng tell me that grade 4 will have their examination about multiplication on Thursday after that they have a new topic about divided. Different thing with grade 5, they still need a long time to get a new topic. Because the lesson plan is in thai language so I ask Mr.Leng a softfile of lesson plan so I can use google translate to translate it (at least i can understand the content even translate with google is worst T.T).
Waiting for Mr. Leng |
I back to my room and found students gather in Mrs. Ko E desk. I just ask Mrs. Ee and she said that the students from grade 4 have a cooking class. The place that they used for lunch being their class so they move the ingredients that they put in Mrs. Ko E desk to the downstair of the room. Every students looks very excited and they are very responsible for what are they doing, it saw from there is a group who spill their food and in the end they are clean the floor by themselves. Eventhough they have a freedom to make their own food the teacher always help and teach them (doing something that hard for students like cooking, clean up the fish, dice and etc). In the middle of cooking class (brea time exactly) there is a girl approach me and give me a letter. She just gave me and then go back to her class. I ask for her name and she said gift. Okay thank you gift for the gift I just feeling special and accepted in my 2nd day I already received 2 letters from the students, and its make me so happy >,<
Students enjoy their cooking |
students are cleaning up the shrimp |
Students making fruit sushi |
Teacher help the students for fried some food |
Students are making soup durian |
Students are making fruit salad |
Students are cooking |
Students and their fruits salad |
Teacher helps students to make a batter |
Students clean up the floor |
Food and Drinks that students made |
Letter from gift |
After cooking class I back to the room and have a little talk with teachers with Mrs. Ee’ as the translator :”D. They asked me about the famous place in Indonesia and its like they excited about Indonesia. I said to them if they go to the Indonesia wether is Bali, Yogyakarta or Lombok they should tell me maybe I can be their guide, lol XD. I also teach them how to say greetings in Indonesia like selamat pagi, selamat sore, selamat malam, selamat datang and etc. I have a long chit-chat at that time because I need to wait for rain to stop. I think at 04.45 p.m I back to the dorm. On the way back I saw a rainbow, how beautifull !
Rainbow through the sky |
It is 08.00 p.m and I feel so sleepy. So I decided to sleep early after praying.
Good night every one I wish tomorrow will be better that today. Have a sweet dreams :3
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