Its Friday 11 August 2017 and Mothes Day celebration in Demonstration Shool and I a feeling so excited so I just wake up so early and go to school with Herni. The school still quite when we arrived there. I just find some of students there and then the other students start coming. Kru Ee ask me to accopany her welcoing students and their parents in the entrance. So I , Herni , Kru Ee, Kru Ta and Kru Ying are welcoing students in the entrance. While welcoming the students and parents sometime we also have a little chit-chat and photos. They are so kind with me, I Love them so much !
I thought it was 08.15 a.m I, Herni and Kru Ee come in to the Hall because the ceremony going to start. Firstly all of us give respect to the Queen and then the Diretor also one of lecturer give some speech then all students come to their mom and give the respect for them. its verry touched!!! I sure it also makes me miss my Mom :(
Give the respect for The Queen of Thailand |
Speech from Director |
The Students Giving the Respect for their Mom |
After that we have some aerobic outside with the teacher as the instructor, its kinda cute because of some students join it also and I heard the song like Indonesia song >_< lol
The celebration continue with perfomance of some students. They all so nice and good! At my age I even can not play or sing the music. They just to cool, I'm sure for that.
The Card made by Students |
Aerobic Session |
After all students back from school the teachers are having a lunch together in the hall. There are a lot of food that time and I like the somtam so much. I just sit with pre-school teachers and we have a fun and enjoy chit-chat. They are joking around and tell us about how's their son, lol :p Some of teachers sing a song and we also celebrate the director birthday at that time . Its really fun friday ever I thought they welcoming us (read: Me and Herni) warmly. I love being here :) Khop Khun Kha teachers :)
The Foods at Mother Celebration |
Maybe it was 03.00 p.m I and Herni ask permission to come back to the dorm and after that I just feel so tired and sleep. Maybe it was 04.30 when my Roomate back and I wake up. We eat some food that kru Puk gave us. Its good and I like it, in the evening my friends ask us (Me and Bekti) to go for a walk in walking market but Bekti refused because she feel so exhausted and want to sleep early. So I just decided not to go, I just a little bit worried to leave her alone.
Maybe thats all for today I just think how I spent my long weekend tomorrow. Any Idea ? xixixi
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