Thursday, 24th August 2014 the weeks teaching and today is my teaching days! Hol, ii got a very nervous again its add by my Co-Advisor Dr. Butsawan Saenpluem will come to evaluate me! Hol its really makes me can’t get over my body to move, lol. I wish everything goings well ! Amiin. Mathematics class after the homeroom teachers which means in first periode. As usual the students when they look at me ready for chicken dance! Hahaa, lol. But I changed the ice breaking with the others dance but it seemed not really interest the students and they want a chicken dance! I just can’t believe it they like it so much, XD. After that I gave the students some problem that we solve it together and ask them to do another problem. FYI I set the students as a group again and every group here being a delegation for ASEAN countries and they need to solve the problem as much as possible. I gave them a words problem so kru Leng need to translate it first in to Thai but some others students seems understand about the problem without kru Leng translate it because they already move to solve the others problem at that time. Adjan Hwene just come to see me a for 30 minutes I thought. The class is going well when I walk around even some students seems hard to understand the problem even I already use a simple words T.T . Out my expectations some students really doing a great job and I really apreciate that Thankyou very much for your cooperating guys!
After class I feel really FREE, lol :D and the others teachers in my rooms ask me about my favorit Thai actrist and actor and show me their favorits. Lol! It just really refresh my mind and my eyes also:p hahaa
The students haing an icebreaking |
Me when teahing the students |
Some students present their work in front of class |
The students are solving the problem |
The students solving the problem |
Students try to understand the problem |
I come to pre-school and ate my lunch there and suprise the foods its really Indonesian taste with coconut milk and a little bit spicy. Yups its really add my energy , lol. We just open 1 plastick and bring the other to the dorm for Dinner, I sure that big sister Yohana and Wike will like it so much because its taste really padang :D and for snack today the students have a sweet ice and banana. The teachers made it for the students in the down stairs. When the snack times every students start from grade 1 to 6 gather there and stand in line for their snack. This is I like about the school! The students very discipline, and I really appreciate that
My Lunch today |
Ayam pelecing (In Indonesian) |
Opor (In Indonesian) |
In the night my buddy Fah come to see me and give me a chocolate cakes. We ate it together with the others friends in Yohana’s room. After finished the cake Yohana ask Fah to wear a hijab and yeay she wear it :D Actually she already beautifull so whatever she wear and not she is always beautifull (like her buddy, hahaa).
Fah and Me in Yohana's room |
Fah, Yohana,Me,Bekti and Wike in Yohana's room |
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