Saturday, 26th August 2017 weekends! Yeay I love weekends and I thought everyone too! Today Adjan Kim ask us to Banchiang. We gather at 09.00 a.m in front of our dorm. Same like before I take the food truk van with the others except Herni because she wants to take care of Khickmah. Panda and Phem also in our van. We arrived at Banchiang around 10.Firstly adjan Kim ask us to watch the history and what are in Banchiang then we enter the museum and see the culture and the expansion of culture here. Its quite similiar with Indonesian have same culture like Banchiang and its studied in social history when I was in Lower Senior School. The differences is in motif or the dimension. For me it seems like I study over again about the histories, lol :D
US in front of the Ban Chiang entrance gate |
Wefie before watching the history |
Selfie with map of ban chiang cultures that found |
Me with one of Banchiang cultures |
The imitation when archeologist found the bamchiang cultures |
The imitation when archeologist found the bamchiang cultures |
One of Banchiang culture |
The imitation to describe how Ban chiang people lives |
The imitation to describe how Ban chiang people lives |
One of Banchiang tools that Banchiang people use |
The imitation to describe how Ban chiang people lives |
The imitation to describe how Ban chiang people lives |
The imitation to describe how Ban chiang people lives |
One of Banchiang jewerly culture |
One of Banchiang jewerly culture |
One of Banchiang culture |
Me and the map of the ditribution of Banchiang cultures |
After I finished walk around the museum I and Vincent went to the market in front of the museum. I try to find the skirt that I want but it seems to be expensive More than a thousand! No way >_< I found the skirt that suit my taste and cheap but its ¾ of my legs which means its short oke, I’ll go to walking street tonight or never I said, lol. I just bought keychains there because its cheaper than Nong Khai. After that adjam Kim ask us to get in the van and went to the other side of Banchiang. We went to the real place that archeologist found the Banchiang culture. We just spent 15 minutes there and go for lunch.
Real of Banchiang archaelogical |
Me In 3D photobooth |
Real of Banchiang archaelogical |
We lunch near the gas station and I ordered fried chicken to be my lunch. Thanks adjan Kim for treat us. After that adjan Kim ask us is there any place that we will go? And Dea said that we wants to buy T-shirt with some of Thai words in there so adjan Kim take us to a big market and we have 45 minutes to walk around and buy what we want to buy. Such a short time to walk around the market! So I, Vincent, Inna, Bekti, Lynard, Wike and yohana walk together to find the T-shirt but unfotunately we can’t find the shirt that suit our taste but at least I find the trousers that I want to buy. I, Lynard and Bekti buy the trousers so we can get discount from 150 become 120 baht. Yeay :D The three of us walk around the market and can not get anything so we decided to back to the place that adjan Kim wait for us. When we arrived Bekti ask me to get in the market again she want to buy a shirt. When we are in our way to go back the store we met the others team and they ask me to be back again and then we should back
Adjan Kim drop and leave us in central plaza. Exactly i don’t want to buy anything here because I know the price must be expensive so i decide to walk around and just seeing. But Dea ask me she want to see some make up and I excited for it so I just following her to the store and yeah! Its really called paradise for the girls who like make up so much (not me):D I just bought a lipmatte and go to met the others. They were at the foodpark and eat bingsu there, I’m just to lazy to buy a card to buy food so I just buy the thai tea outside, lol. We back to the dorm after they finished their bingsu. There are 2 batch when we back because the songtaew already full so I, Bekti, Inna, Sila, Dyan, Vincent and Lynard back first while the others still waiting for yohana. We bought food for dinner in front of campus and back to our dorm. Such a long journey but I’d really enjoy it.
Me in central plaza |
Me in central plaza |
Me in central plaza |
Me in central plaza |
At the evening the rain fall down and i cancel my plan to go to walking street and prefer to sleep early. Good night!
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